dismantle me down [p]
oh please. Your posts are always lovely. <3 also, I’m sorry if this sucks, this is my first post since finals. Brain still doesn’t function fully. XD shall we say this post will end the thread then theo and Ezra can bump into each other again! whee

“AniWaya seems like a place I’d like to visit sometime,” the mutt said simply, enjoying Theo’s description of his two most recent homes. Ezra had never heard of Edinburgh and had no idea where it was in relation to the coast. “Luperci have entire towns now? So peculiar. I thought it was strange enough that some people here live like humans… do they even hunt anymore?”The thought really bothered Ezra. He would never understand some people, he supposed. Ezra was set in his ways and not the type to change his life to become more human-like.

Ezra’s companion mentioned his eyes, and the mutt chuckled. “It is a plus, they helped me find a girl I’m crazy about here. I’m crazy about her… she’s the only reason I’ve stay here. It really gives this area a new appeal, you know? I want to go back home, I really do…” he trailed off, thinking of his sisters again. He should go fetch them one day and bring them back. Ezra looked at his friend again, quickly pushing that thought away for another time. “But it’s hard to leave when you find someone as special as her.” Ezra knew he was being ridiculous at this point, and the stranger probably had no interest in Ever, but it was impossible not to talk about her.
“She wears clothes like you, too. I’m not a luperci, so we have some…differences to work out. But I guess it will work itself out one day.”

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Uber schmexy table by anna <33

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