cute don't mean nothing here.
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------Red eyes locked onto the figure of the youthful coyote that approached him, although he kept his head low as he began to tear into the otter's side. By the time that Jesile had even gotten within speaking distance, he had already managed to devour the heart, liver, and other internal organs of the unfortunate weasel-esque creature. Anselm towered over his kill, in no way prepared to surrender it to anybody. It did not seem as though the boy wanted trouble, but living the life of a loner had taught him not to make exceptions. Guilty until proven innocent... a threat until proven otherwise. Hell, he knew that he would gladly snatch a kill that was not well defended or looked after.
------Figuring his body language would be sufficient, he said nothing until the other spoke. Concern was in the younger 'yote's voice, and he paused for a moment to gulp down whatever meat was in his mouth. "I suppose. I don't really know who they started with, only who is with them now," he answered, eyeing him warily. If he was so concerned about Inferni, why wasn't he a part of the clan? He certainly didn't recognise him from the meeting, nor could he recall seeing the boy when he and Gabriel had first returned to gather up the troops before settling in the Waste. "Did you get separated?"
------This was an interesting situation. He wondered exactly how many others that had originally been a part of Inferni were now gone. Despite being familiar with the area, he certainly knew little about Inferni itself, other than its reputation and that it was lead by his cousin. He had no way of knowing that Andre had been exiled; he couldn't know that Jesile had originally separated even before the fire; Matrix and her family were complete unknowns; Arkham was also a mystery. He only knew those that had returned with him to the Waste: Rachias, Gabriel, Faolin, Samael, Molochai, Hybrid, and Gabe's two young children.


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