Let The Wild Horse Slip Through
'Washington DC is its proper title, the wolves there don't call it that anymore, I’m not sure why' J'adore explained. He had been confused for a second when he had been told his bearings, needing a few moments to catch on. At Liliana's next question, she seemed confused at first, but finally understood, 'Yes, sorry' J'adore apologised, he considered what he could do, he was a decent rider, he found himself skilled at fire making and he was quite adept at feeding himself and his horse. 'Well, I am a decent rider, skilled at fire making and have been quite adept at feeding myself and my horse since we've been moving, I'm sure with a slight bit of practice I could build my skills and do more. And then there are the little odd bits...' J'adore knew his main skills, he also knew what he could improve, but more importantly looking at his physical abilities, he knew what he could stretch himself to do. For example, he had never tried to build a hut, but here they used such as houses, so with his skills and physical fitness, he knew he would have little problems. J'adore looked to Liliana to see her reaction.

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