welcome to the masquerade ball.
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/p ... ized-1.jpg); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Naniko was quick to trust--it was one of her weak points. She'd been taken advantage of before when she had given people the benifit of the doubt, but each time she took the same steps over again anyway. She felt like it would be okay to tell anyone who asked anything they wanted to know about Twilight Vale. It wasn't like it was a secret, really, and they'd find out eventually anyway. Besides. If he was a loner, he could someday decide to join up with a pack. And maybe he'd consider Twilight Vale. Perhaps he was looking for information so that he could make the best decision.

It seemed that he was indeed a loner. Their pack was eight strong, a higher number compared to the other groups...but they could always use more. They had four hungry pups to feed, and they couldn't just bring them fish, (fish being the easiest thing to catch).

"Oh! I just realized..I never caught your name. I'm Naniko D'angelo--I lead this pack with my mate, Conri." How rude of her. That was the most important thing of all! "And I'm not too sure what caused it. I don't think it matters much...since everything's over. Just that all the lands are gone. I did meet up with a few members of my pack, like my mate and one of my friends, Anka. Also my adopted sister's mother and her mate. Two new wolves came, but I'd never heard of them before. Have you met many others from the fire?"

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