
OOC here: Table & Coding © Nuki; Thanks hun, someone made it for me. If you go here then you can request for someone to make you a table as well. Optionally you can look here at the studios and see if there is a certain person with a certain style that you like and see if they are open for making requests. Of course the first option is more general for anyone who happens along and feels inspired. And if you haven't already noticed, here someone already has one waiting for you and to get it and use it you hit the quote button to get the code copy everything from the beginning doHTML tag to the other (be sure to copy the brackets they are in as well since that is what makes the html and css work on the boards). Also, if you want you can add 'Leader Needed' to the title, figure that we would make it quick so you can get accepted and start being able to RP all over the boards; 713 words

The relief was clear on Selene's face as the other female pulled back. She knew Juju to just be curious but as a mother she was cautious. She had already lost one son so she didn't want to lose another. Granted the lost son was older and at the age to be on his own but still she had no idea what had happened to him. She had the daughter from that litter with her though. At least she still had family left to help cushion all of the loss that she has felt. And one of those family members was her sister, the leader. So while she was of no real import herself she did have connections. Because of the closeness to her sister she would always have the ear of a leader.

"What was it that you have heard that attracted you?" She was curious about what stories had been circulated. They had only moved into the area a short time ago. Perhaps it wasn't even them that were heard of. Or it could have been the word of someone that had come from the cult that they had left to come over here and start anew. It hadn't been a secret what they were doing and others were welcome to follow but they hadn't. Actually it was just her, her sister, her young nephew, her sister's friend, her daughter, and her own young son that had come from the cult. So that was the six of them that had traveled together from New Brunswick to establish themselves here.

To live here? Hmm, well that wasn't Sele's decision to make. "I will allow someone to know of your request to reside here." the cave system was vast but there were a few well known paths that were traveled often. At least the ones that she used often. There were certain ways that she went, most of the time with her son in tow, and so she turned to him. "Juju, go find Nani or Zale." She said to the pup and watched him eagerly run deeper into the caves. Of course the pup was excited because he had been trusted with an important mission, as well as being allowed to go on his own. It was a hard decision to let Juju out of her sight with no one to watch him but it wasn't like she could go herself and leave this female here by herself. But to make sure others knew to watch out for her child she howled into the caves, letting it echo around and carry through the cavernous space.

She turned back to the other when the child could no longer be seen. "Do you have some special skill to contribute to the pack?" She asked, adding to the conversation to keep it flowing as they were forced to wait. After all it wasn't like Sele was about to leave her spot near the entrance, she wasn't going to give any leeway for someone not of the pack to enter what she thought of as her secure home. She tilted her head as she watched the other attempt to pretty herself. "Don't worry, the leaders are females themselves. Not too certain that they are actually attracted to other females." Sele wasn't an obsessive groomer surprisingly enough. Though she had her other customs that she believed in and was compulsive about. Such as her gris gris, the bag of herbs, tightly cinched about her neck and the rusted skeleton key that rested atop it. Those where things that she never removed. Juju had his own gris gris that Sele forced him to wear. She was big on protection and the charms that were said to protect.

"I'm Selene, who are you?" She figured that she may as well introduce herself to a prospective member. "I should warn you that your choice to live here means you are swearing yourself to the family. There is a ritual where blood is shared. Your blood combined with our blood makes you our sister. Are you willing to do this to join the family?" It was something expected of all new members. She had to make sure that the other was willing to sacrifice a piece of herself to become whole.

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