Nothing's going to touch you in these Golden Years

Big Grin 300+

Haven knew that his little brother was not future "leader" material, but that was no downfall. The Knight would not consider himself leader material either. Maybe if the occasion ever was needed he could lead, but it was not something Haven aspired to. The Aatte was happy with his current lot in life, serving Cour des Miracles as its Knight and living in his little cottage by the sea with his mate. The only thing missing was adding little paws to the house, but it would come when they were ready. The man was not trying to shove his brother into a box he didn't fit in, simply trying to bring the boy a bit more out of his shell and show him that he didn't always have to be the follower. This was an exploration and he wanted Alder to have the chance to lead their way.

Once he had the door shoved open, Alder bounded forward, not even looking back to him for reassurance. This made Haven grin; he was letting his heart do the thinking. He followed the boy into the room, observing it with interest. There wasn't as much left in this room as there was in some others, but there were surely still treasures to be found. What this room had been used for he couldn't guess. Likely it had served more than one purpose. He bent down to look over the old quiver, marveling at the craftsmanship. Say what one wants to about the humans, they could make beautiful things.

He hadn't paid much attention to what Alder was doing until the pup backed up and spoke softly. Jades trained forward and noticed the glinting immediately. Haven stood back up and walked over to the collapsed bench, pulling the thing out from under it with a scraping sound. "It's a helmet, sort of like the one we saw out in the hall," he said, displaying the metal object to his brother. "Can you imagine wearing this thing around on your head?" It certainly did not look comfortable, despite its vital purpose.

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