[M]Shatter my heart

OOC here: Table & Coding © Fae; Yeah, that is fine by me; 320 words

Ouija had been this way previously. It had been awhile ago, back towards the start of the season. And just like the first time he had no reason to be here except just to wander around and explore. It was from this coast, rather than the one that he was on, that he had gotten driftwood. He had also met a female that refused to talk. Having to wait out a storm with her hadn't been too fun a time. Just standing in silence, or talking to himself, and staring out into the rain. That made him glad that he kept to the practices that he did, pulling out instead of staying stuck. He didn't like being contained one place where he had nothing to do.

But it wasn't like he had walked all the way over here to enjoy the coast. No, he had been invited to a party in the nearby back and instead of returning back to his own as soon as it was over he had decided to linger around and head for the coast. He hadn't brought his satchel with him to the party and he didn't have it now. No, this was alone time for him to think over a few things.

Or that had been the purpose until he had caught sight of another. He took the few minutes to shift from his optime form into his lupus form to match. Once he was shifted did he make his way over to sit next to her. "Simply beautiful." He commented, his large body held proudly. The colors he painted himself with had mostly faded away though there was still some lighter remnants of blood left. He was nowhere near as colorful as he usually was to be found. But given the season he didn't have anything to color himself with. He just had to make do and wait out til spring came again.

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