Five Alarm Fire
(OOC- Hi! NTS- Use accented speech! WOTD- LINE 6, WORD 5. Sorry for the length, it's 10:30PM in the UK)

J'adore span round at the females greeting,

'Oh Hi!' He chirped as he stood up. 'I'm J'adore Austral, ze new fire guy!' he paused 'Well ze new guy full stop'.

He gave his odd toothy smile and waved awkwardly. A sudden breeze made the flames jump forward slightly and in response J'adore stepped forward away from the flames. It was cold and bitter out and the only really warm places were the great fire and the little fires dotted around camp, including the one J'adore mentally forced himself to build before he slept. He had made a complex fire pit in his hut, made mostly from the metal he found around Halifax, it lay at the heart of his hut, streaching up to the large (and closable) chimney in the roof. Yes, winter was reaching it's zenith and the wolves of Nova Scotia were working hard in their own way to prepere for it. J'adore shuffled the snow beneath his feet as he waited for the females response eagerly, he hadn't met many of his new pack members yet and had taken to becoming awkward and odd when approched by a stranger. He kept having to reassure himself that he was safe everytime someone said 'Hi' but he was a little more relaxed at this moment in time, given the females curious tone of voice. As another breeze swung past, a thick lock of his jet mane fell into his eyeline, he quickly pulled it back up onto his head before sighing,

'Damn wind, eh?'

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