The new neighbor... or potential customer?
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ooc Sorry for the wait, just getting back on track. This post beats the heck out of the crap I started to write a couple days ago, whoo! ^_^ (7 points)

The man in the tree certainly was a sight… and for several reasons. First off, he was in a tree, and it was a fact that anyone in a tree was interesting. Secondly, he had an exotic physical appearance, seeming to be of a mixed breed, though sometimes it was hard for Orin to tell. And most importantly, he could accessorize like no tomorrow! Usually Orin’s new acquaintances were giving her the eye, be it for her small size, bizarre fantastical nature, or her pink hair, but for once the tables were turned in this meeting and Orin found herself gazing at the coy-wolf with a mixture of surprise, awe, and admiration. She studied the man’s dreadlocks, similar yet vastly different than her own. Where hers were pink, his appeared to be natural toned yet ornamented with beads and trinkets. He wore jewelry in several places, though Orin could not decipher the intricacies or materials they were made out of from her position, and had belts and straps and pouches and containers everywhere. And… what was that on his back? Orin cocked her head, but could not see from here.

Suddenly she felt terribly underdressed, and it did not help matters any when he pointed that out, either. She looked down at her bland self and crossed her arms in front of her, suddenly displaying atypical self consciousness. Her face scrunched up, indignant for a moment as she retorted, “Well, I don’t need to dress up. I’m warm enough with all of this.” Her hand brushed across the full ruff of fur that had filled in around her crest – her thick winter coat.

Suddenly something occurred to her, and she quickly jerked her gaze down at her own body as she gasped. “What?! Does it make me look fat?” She patted her fur, trying to smooth it down a little around her tummy and hips. This was her first winter as an adult, and the vain thought about what her winter coat may look like had not dawned on her until now. Her golden eyes flicked back to the man in the tree. “You would tell me if I looked fat, wouldn’t you?”

Finally, she resorted to grabbing her tail and pulling the excessively fluffy, pink appendage in front of her and twisting her fingers through the long fur. She looked worried for a moment, though was soon distracted by the thing the man perched in, remembering her earlier inquiry as he referred to the tree. “So you are my new neighbor? That’s great! Ooooooh… A tree house! That would be so cool. Can I come see it when you’re done?” She beamed at the thought and hoped that when it was complete she would be able to see it from the office window – that would soon be her bedroom window.

She took a step closer to the tree and craned her neck a little more to peer up at Bangle, but when he gestured towards the other building she glanced back over her shoulder. “Oh, that’s my new home. It’s a bookstore – isn’t that amazing! Thornbury had a bookstore, and Shawchert is letting me have it. There’s a lot of work to be done, but I’ve got nothing but time, and it will really pay off in the end, I think.” She turned back to Bangle and cocked her head in confusion as he said something about the sight, and then roared with laughter. The Takekuro woman looked back and the building, concerned. What was wrong with it? When she turned back to Bangle the man thrust his hand down towards her. Any worries diminished at the prospect of hiding out in the tree, and a grin spread across her muzzle as she let go of her tail and locked arms wrist-to-wrist with Bangle.

Orin pushed off the ground a little to help, and her small form was hoisted up into the braches with ease. She quickly planted her feet on one of the limbs, displaying the natural grace and dexterity that her whimsical nature often betrayed. She giggled a little and smiled at Bangle – this was turning into a small adventure all it’s own – though quickly turned her gaze to the building, only to notice the view was much obstructed by the branches and leaves. Still she was confused about what had been so funny earlier. She turned back to the hybrid, eyebrow arched in bewilderment, “What? I don’t see anything wrong with it?”

Her eyes turned back to the building as she settled herself down onto the limb, setting her rump on the branch and letting her legs dangle over one side while her tail swayed gently over the other.

“Anyway, I don’t suppose I should call you ‘neighbor’ all the time. What’s your name? I’m Orin Takekuro.” She grinned heartily with the introduction, offering her hand to Bangle again for a shake.


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