keep your head down low
wc 767 5+

Time was beginning to press against Tala's mind as she spend more time within her new pack. Having walked the borders countless times, she was beginning to know them as if she was born right on them. Though passing the Valley Pack's borders and learning as much as she could about what lie within them was only part of what her curiosity yearned for. She needed to know what else remained out there, the fae would not be content until she knew of the neighbouring packs. Knowing a bit about them, where they were exactly as well as what grounds they stood on when it involved Phoenix Valley. If she could know of it, she wished to. If she was to gain ranks as a scout for her pack, information was key. She needed to be someone her pack mates could turn to if they had a question. She would do the best she could to be that person for them. The girl was determined when it came to her pack, that was certain.

Though the dappled female only knew of three packs for certain, she had yet to visit any of their borders, let alone explore to find any others that were nearby. Xeris had told her of the few that she knew, and Shaw had told her of his own pack. Though she had quite a bit of interest in the talented members he had shared stories of with her outside of the Valley. She had decided to visit Cercatori D'Arte first. If she could say hello to the towering Male, she would. Though she relied on smell to find the unknown pack lands, it took her longer than she had expected. She had come across what seemed to be herself going in circles more than once. She had worked it out though, and now she could smell the familiar scent that Shawchert has carried with him. This signaled that if anything she was getting close. After this, all it would take was patience to run into a member. That was more often a waiting game than not.

The winter air stung at her lungs after walking for a good portion of the morning. Her paws chilled from snow and ice. Her pelt chilled nearly to the skin. Though she did not feel the cold her body held so close, the movement causing an internal heat that beat off any signs of the winter's wake. the female walked in silence, her footsteps carrying her small frame in near silence. Though her ears were perked and her nostrils flared to pick up even the smallest scent of canine. The pack of artists' scent was becoming more clear as she approached, but the scent was not strong enough to have let herself stray past the borders. She would never dare wander in without permission. Tala let out a soft exhale as she halted her movements to look around at her surroundings. She was sure to not let herself forget the path she had taken here. In her absence of motion her ears dark ears perked with the sound of music. An instrument she did not initially recognize. Though, it was quite a lovely sound. The sound intrigued the female, her paws carrying her without even a second thought as to who may be creating such lovely music. Though it did not take the fae long to come within viewing distance of the female who sat at the base of the large tree decorated in valiant colours and materials. She was quiet for a moment as she watched her play, a guitar. She ahd heard of them, though never actually heard one in use. It was elegant in a way, though not nearly in the sense of something such as a violin or a flute. It was a more casual sound, friendly and appealing.

The fae cleared her throat softly as she dipped her head letting one paw tuck slightly behind the other in a greeting bow of sorts. The amber eyes she carried were bright and polite, showing greetings to the unknown female. "Pardon my interruption, but I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Tala, and I am a Tenens from Phoenix Valley. I've come hoping to learn of other packs in the region. I would so kindly ask for permission to speak to someone who can share any knowledge with me they see fit." Her voice was soft and had tones of etiquette underlining her words. The female stood a respectable distance away from the playing woman, waiitng in patience for an answer of sorts.

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