[M]Shatter my heart

OOC here: Table & Coding © Fae; Of course hun, I don't mind at all; 317 words

Of course he knew just the impression that he gave off. He knew that his choice of coloring was perceived as odd. He had also been told that his massive build had been perceived as portraying strength and security. He also knew that he had looks on his side. Or so many have been kind enough to tell him. His addiction to color was something that just had to be gotten used to. And those in the cult had done so easily enough. But then again they were presented with it everyday. Those over here weren't as close as he was with those in the cult. He didn't even see those in his pack on a daily basis. It really was a change from the close knit family feel that he was used to.

He chuckled and shook his head. "I wasn't talking about the scenery. That is only a bonus." With the words he made it known that he had been complimenting her rather than the view. And to see how she took it he glanced over to her with a smile upon his lips. He then looked down towards the water since she had brought it up. "I wouldn't suggest trying it. If the ground can collect snow then I imagine you wouldn't want to dip into the water." At least he imagined it would be freezing cold. Still he wasn't about to actually try it and find out for himself.

"What are you doing out here all by yourself? Certainly you have some gentleman caller waiting on you to return home." Did he know for sure? Well no, but it sounded nice. At least he thought it did. He hadn't met a female yet that didn't enjoy being flattered. "He is probably missing you dearly." He spoke the words before leaning his head in close to whisper to her. "I know that I would."

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