high-performance grade.

sorry it took me so long! Tongue

Quietly, the female wandered around. She had no idea what she was doing up so early, she was hungry. She had been apart of Inferni for about two or three days now and it felt great to be able to call some place home because her children lived with her now, not in the same den but they were reachable within the same clan. She was searching for something to eat but instead found herself chasing around in circles. Asphyxia wanted to just kill something, was her sense of smell that bad now? It couldn't be, she wasn't that old, even though her coat was saying otherwise, turning gray on her.

Picking a strong scent up, she followed it although it smelt like a coyote, there was a scent of wolf mixed in there somewhere. As she followed it, she found at the end of it, a coyote... she was pretty sure. He looked more like a wolf but he wreaked of Inferni. "Hello." she said in a not so friendly voice. She paused, and fixed her eyes on his, "Who are you?" Asphyxia was curious who else was there running around. Was he part of Inferni or should he not be on the lands?


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