Just look at me - I'm limited
Noah did feel bad for the lady even though she said he didn’t do it, it was clear that something he had done had sparked something within her mind to make her react like something had happened that was very bad. He was aware that it had to have been someone in her past, weather he looked like that being, or moved like it. Noah knew it was something. Watching her lowered her-self down to where she could touch nose with him. The male held his breath, unsure of what to do; he unlike most of the other wolves used his body and touches to talk, instead of words. With is one good eye he studied her face trying to plot out her next move, like a master of chess he liked to figure out every one’s next move. However a master, sadly he was not. The male just blinked over and over, as he started to twitch fighting still to keep his breath held. With spot now appearing in both eyes the male had to let go of his breath, as he gasped for air he was taken aback by the next action, a lick upon his maw. He gulped still unsure of what to do, so he did what he only figured would be a safe move, he gave into the want and allowed his tail to wag side to side on the ground.

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