aren't you a lil short for a storm trooper?
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    For all the books that he read, he could be so stupid. There was no way for either of them to understand his motivation for spilling such a dark secret. To believe that they would see it as a sign of their interconnections was completely ridiculous of him. He realized much to late that he had likely sounded boasting and confrontational, both qualities that were far from the truth of his shy, humble nature.

    Kansas breathed deeply into his knees, trying the calm the waves of emotion that were threatening to drown him. Jazper spoke, and the Sadira male heard in his voice the intense pain that he had caused. His question about Savina stung deeply, but Kansas had no retaliation, knowing that he deserved that and much worse. More tears formed and fell down his face in a steady flow. The thin man looked into the fire, sobbing now, prepared for a blow to the head that he knew he deserved. To his surprise, another shadow passed before the fire as Ehno rose to stand between the beasts of white and black. For a moment, he was puzzled. He expected Ehno to stand beside Jazper in resentment. Of course. Kansas was sure that Ehno wasn't exactly pleased by what he had said either, that he only wanted to prevent things from getting out of hand.

    "It's okay, Ehno," the boy choked, rising to his feet. All he wanted to do was run away, to lay in the dark comfort of his room amid his mate and pups. He couldn't stay here any longer. "I'm gonna go, y-you two have a... a good n-night," he spoke in a rush. Before he could hear either of their responses, Kansas took off towards the Manor, tears streaming freely as he ran. He was unable to face it.


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