So What If It's Overcast?
OOC- Sorry it's short, I have 3 posts to reply to and very little time to do it.

J'adore had been quite busy during his few days as an AniWayan, yet he had found a small amount of time to wander aimlessly. Today’s ramble had led him to a large red oak. The white female that was there as well was busying around with twigs and other things. She was obviously building something. 'No Offence...' J'adore spoke as he walked closer 'But wouldn't it have been wiser to build in warmer weather, or is there a winter deadline?' he didn't suppose it was very easy to build anything in snow; he had struggled to build his hut enough. He was thankful of the furnishings he had made, especially the fleeced materiel he bought in DC. 'Would you like some help? J'adore asked as he stood in front of the great tree. Many wolves had come past when he had been making his hut, with an odd twig to help. His hut had been finished in no time. This however was a larger scale, and it would take a little longer, two wolves were better than one when it came to building and J'adore could only hope he could help enough. 'Your Ralla, right? That makes you my boss' J'adore had heard of Ralla through conversations he had overheard, though he had never seen Ralla, he knew that if she was building up here, she must be the one who lived here. J'adore supposed he should meet her since they were in the same ranking.

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