Striving for Acceptance

Basic survival skills were good skills to have. She had been a loner for a while after her exile and then again after her departure from Phoenix Valley. It had taken her a while to find another wolf to travel with and had noticed a big difference after Azalea and she had joined forces. They'd been able to bring down bigger animals and use hunting tactics to their advantage.

All that was required of the Zepars of Anathema was that they be able to hunt and do things for themselves. The rest could be figured out later, she supposed. "You've made it here, and I'm not going to turn you away. I'm sure we'll find some use for you. There is one more thing, however...if you wish to join the pack and become one with us you must share blood."

She pulled a tiny dagger from her belt, making a very small and shallow cut on one of her long fingers. If the other wolf would not cut herself, then Naniko could do it for her; she held out her other hand, jade eyes fixed upon the newcomer.


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