Demi MD [P-for aunt Nani!]
yay drugs

Only the broadest grin was given to her when she referred to her favorite thing. Demi herself didn’t care for the angelic dust her aunt loved so much but it hadn’t stopped her for keeping a small stash hidden from her aunt. It was only there for hard times, or a bargaining chip especially since she knew how addicted to the stuff Naniko was. But today sounded like a good rainy day to give her Aunt a gift, at least while she was getting the pack together, help to keep her grounded and not detox and let the pack go to shit.

“Oh auntie” she said with a smirk as her form moved to rummage through a bag for a moment. A small ziplock bag was found with a pure white rocks hanging in the bottom. Cocaine was said by many human artists in the 70s was a hellovah a drug, all but useless medicinally and pure bliss for the addict.

“I always have some of your favorite thing stashed away, can’t have you going all crazy for your fix while you’re getting this pack off the ground can I? Wouldn’t be much of a medicine woman then would I? “ she proposed with a smirk as the bag was thrown toward her aunt. Part of her wanted to tell her Aunt to detox, to quit this particular drug, it was impossible to grow up in this area even if she got her hands on some seeds, and the supply left over by the former care givers of the planet would continue to diminish. Trade with southern packs would work if they sailed all the way up here, and who would know how much of a price they would ask for it.

“You really should think of quitting this stuff Aunt” she said, she wouldn’t go much farther in suggesting or pushing the matter, knowing how sensitive it was. But hopefully her small little suggestions would hit home sometime. For now though they had some collections to recover, and label. Demi went about then of procuring all her herbs and medicines, keeping her stash of drugs in the bag for now, not knowing what type of bender her Aunt was wanting to go on.

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