high-performance grade.
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------Anselm's head whipped around to see a greying female approaching him. She stared him in the eye--a challenge and a threat in their species. Immediately he stared her down, tail raised and hackles arched high. His entire body seemed to swell and lift in size, although he kept his head just low enough to protect his throat. She smelled less like Inferni than he did, meaning she carried a lower rank and had no reason to be treating him this way. But for how much she acted like she had a right to be talking to him like this and to be there, he acted it ten times more. In his mind, he was entirely and utterly justified. "I ought to ask the same of you," he said quickly, voice low. "I don't remember seeing you at Inferni's meeting."
------Paws splayed somewhat apart, in an instinctual brace in case of attack. He made it extremely obvious that he intended to hold his ground, but he made no advances and said nothing more--for now. She at least looked older than him, which did earn her some bonus points. Those that were older were generally worth something, either directly because they had made it that far or somewhat indirectly in that they had worthwhile lessons to teach. She also smelled faintly of Faolin, so perhaps she was a new recruit. That being the case, however, why did she think she could do this? He didn't realise she had run amongst Inferni's ranks for countless days in the past--he also couldn't know she was the mother of Gabriel's mate. For now, he waited for her to respond--and hopefully to back off.


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