Remember the Footsteps
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The ebony warrior nodded slowly as he chuckled a light hearted laugh. In the portrayal of knights in fairy tales as large men with a knack for loyalty, chivalry, and bravery the fey would have been right. However, there was a slight inaccuracy that Jazper had picked up on in his research. “You know knights in human history were actually only slightly bigger than half of me.” A large smile grew on his face as he continued, “They also served a single king and had to do his biding. So really, a knight was only as chivalrous as his ruler.” The idea made Jazper's mind spin with a need for more knowledge, though with the pups he simply didn't have the time. It intrigued him that humans were able to achieve such amazing things but let others to do things against their will. Of course he would do whatever Savina asked but only within his values.

Shrugging, Jazper couldn't relate to the short figure of Pixie. “I suppose you at least don't have to hit your head off a door frame.” He laughed with a hint of seriousness in his voice. Ears perking up he gulped a little at the mention of a horse. Great, another feakin horse. It was bad enough Kansas had one, not to mention a couple of the other packs were horse crazy. Still, with ears perked forward in unnoticeable fear he asked, “What's its name?” He really hated horses, mostly due to his constant wish to munch away on their legs while others pet them and talked to them like another wolf, it was unnatural.

As their attention drew back to the pups before them and their older sibling. It hadn't surprised Jaz that his eldest son had walked out on the second litters birth. It wasn't everyday you were exposed to the 'miracle' of birth. “Well maybe you'll get the chance to meet him again. He really is a good kid.” Leaning over to the pups he gently lifted Fia's white body up and began to clean her. “This one's the trouble maker. She's always trying to squeeze into new places.” Shifting subjects once again he spoke up adding to Pixie's thought, “It's just made of a different type of wood, and the strings vibrate constantly when played with the bow. Guitar strings are vibrated from being hit once.”At least that was his opinion. Really he would have to look up the reason in the library. Maybe it was in some book on string instruments somewhere.


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