Settling in
OOC things go here

Nian grinned when Claudius walked back with an armful of branches. He was grateful for the help, as they were really too much to carry all by himself. Wrapping his arms around his own load of thicker branches, he nodded towards the direction of his den. "Now we carry them that way. It's not too far... Less than a minute of walking, probably. Then, if you still want to help, we can start putting them in the ground. Like posts, sort of... only with the tops leaned up against a wall." Although he had a very clear vision of the lean-to in his head, describing it was not as easy. Being better at spatial memory, Nian would have preferred to show the other wolf by example, but for now he would just have to hope he got the basic idea. Motioning for Claudius to come with him, he started walking again at an easy pace.

Pretty table made by Gwendolyn! Edited slightly by me.


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