Settling in
OOC things go here

After a very short walk, the two arrived at the spot where Nian was making his home. At present, it did not look like much -- just an odd formation of stones and earth that formed what could be the corner of a dwelling with a rough stone overhang covering it. However, Nian could envision how the space would look once he added a third wall to close off the open side. If he left a space in the timber wall, he could have a nice three-sided home with a door that he could cover later. If he factored in the sharp dip at the end of one pre-existing side, he might even have a window of sorts. Smiling happily, he deposited his pile of branches on the ground and picked one up, turning to Claudis.

"All right, watch me, and I'll show you what I have in mind." He takes the pole and sets it vertically, with one end poised over the ground and the other leaning against the top of the ledge. Pointing along the line of the future wall, he says, "We'll put all the poles in a line along this ledge. They have to be at a certain angle, though, otherwise they might fall over in with a gust of wind, and that would be the end of the wall." Stepping back until he is sure he has a good angle, Nian presses the end of the pole into the earth, then leans it against the ledge and lets go, stepping back. The pole stays in place. Beaming with success, he goes to pick up another one. "I can manage the large poles. I'll put them in even spaces, and then you can help me fill in the rest."

Pretty table made by Gwendolyn! Edited slightly by me.


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