Just look at me - I'm limited
OOC: Sorry for the wait dear.


Her eyes almost matched his, one milky eye and one a pure shade of sight. To where Noah was sapphire blue she was the color of the rich earth under this castles flooring. Watching her eyes burn with a past that she did not speak of, she looked to the floor. It had to have been her past, since she said he didn’t do anything, he wanted to make sure that she knew he wouldn’t hurt her. He wasn’t even sure he could hurt anyone; he knew what pain felt like and didn’t want to bring that on any one. He gave a soft sigh as he stood up, moving to where his nose was able to touch her’s if she would wish to get a good smell of his sent. ”Troubles?” He made sure to talk slowly, not to make fun of her, but to insure that he wouldn’t stutter.

Her voice came though the soft howl of the outsides winds beating and pelting against the castle walls. Lifting his head his ear and half jumped up on his furry crown, as he looked to her with his good eye, his blind eye was washed away of any and all life that was once in it. ”Noah Ma’am” He stopped looking down to the tile; it was cold, hard and smooth under his paws. ”Noah Sawtooth” The silver sable male kept his head down not wanting to seem like he was being to open and touchy feely with her.

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