Ookami needs Showing Around.

OOC chatter goes here!Sorry, I was with a whole bunch of my friends when I was doing it and I didn't know what to say. WC-482

Ookami saw her looking at him, trying to figure out what was going on. He wanted to tell someone, to get the thing that he thought was going on out in the open. But he didn't want to freak her out, to make her think he was crazy. He was even starting to think he was crazy. He was the only one who saw them, yet they seemed to be everywhere, out in the open for anyone with a watchfull eye to catch and lock onto, but yet, only for a moment would you see the creatures of shadows, for they vanish just as quickly as they appear.

He was glad that he had someone around, it made him feel safer. He knew that if they tried to attack him, nothing would be able to stop them. Maybe Ookami, because he knew their weakness, but he wasn't strong now and wouldn't be able to do anything about it. He sighed silently, dreading the day he knew was coming when they would attack him.

He smiled at her when she said they should go. He nodded his head happily and followed her at a brisk trot. His tail swayed in a slow motion, but with the happieness of a mile-a-minute wag. They reached the lake and he looked at it, so peaceful and still. He smiled. He followed her gaze up to the Villa, looking at it in amazment, he had never really seen one of these before. His packmates slept in a cave, while he slept outside. "I love sleeping under the stars, my packmates didn't much like me so they didn't let me sleep in the cave with them. I grew acustom to the stars." He smiled.

He looked at her in her eyes, not staring, but just gazed. A smile played on his lips. He wanted to get to know this wolf... Why she had become so uncomfortable, he felt that they both had an awkword past, he couldn't be sure though. His past definitly wasn't the best of memories. Sometimes he wished he could forget his past, but then he thinks about how your past makes you what you are during the present, and the past and present prepare you for your future. He learned to be tough and stand up for yourself, and that is pretty much all he learned, but he never really had a mean bone in his body. He is kind and caring and can be very inquisitive. He wondered what Adonia's past was like...

He followed her along, looking around him at the different sites and smiling at his home. His home. It was a strange thought in his head. It played around in his mind, filled his body with contentment and a happieness that was indescribable. He couldn't hide his smile from her. He was so excited to go to the next place.

OOC- was that better?( ;

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