-tag, which is the tag for rows. Without it, code gets botched pretty quickly Smile
* You forget to close your first
near the end of the table.
* the   code is only a space on the same line, and thus adding a number of them before a line break
is pretty pointless. I removed them for you except in the places where text comes after Smile If you want it to apply only to the first line of your text, it is easier to use the "text-indent" property with a

(p for paragraph)-tag, such as this:

Your text here

* The four style="margin" you have (one for top, left, right and bottom) can be combined into one like this: style="margin: 10px 30px 10px 30px;", with values in this order: style="margin:top right bottom left;" each ending in "px" or "pt"
* Your HTML structure is quite messy. Keep in mind that you need to close everything you open, including and tags.
Not doing so complicates things. Among other things, you have an unclosed
and an unopened
. This messes with the overall structure of the board when you post them, hence the table looking like it goes over the post area in the Testing Thread. Not closing and tags is not as serious, as they usually just apply to text, while
and table tags relate to the structure of your code and that way easily skews things and puts them in the wrong place.
* Lastly, note that the and the property are used for pretty much the same, so instead of having one inside the other with different style="" - values, you can combine them. is preferred to . Your and tags can for example be combined like this. Your code:
Combined code:

If I clean your code up with the above-mentioned points, it looks something like this. The structure is simpler, but does exactly the same. It may be less confusing to look at!
Html Help?
I see Sorin gave you some help in the Testing Thread, but I had a quick look at your code anyways! This post is long and detailed, and I'm just posting it so you can see how your code could be improved. When I was learning it was pretty confusing, and I always appreciated whenever someone sat down to explain for me! Please don't be offended if you feel like this is a lot of criticism, as I only want to help Smile

In general, you have a few mistakes that are easy to fix, for example you should settle on using apostrophes or quotation marks or none when writing your HTML, such as with
. Generally I think quotation marks is the norm when you're writing only HTML/CSS. Also in some places you have a symbol on the one side of a value, and not on the other, such as here:
Quote:style="border: 7px solid #FDF8FF; outline: 1px solid #FEF1B5" width='400' height=''/>
Missing marks can result in the HTML bleeding all over the place, such as how it does in the Testing Thread. Here, you use apostrophes for the width value but quotation marks with the style values, and then the height value has an open quotation mark which isn't ended properly. It should be:
Quote:style="border: 7px solid #FDF8FF; outline: 1px solid #FEF1B5;" width="400">

Other general comments on the code in the Testing thread:
* The cellspacing property doesn't need the "px" ending on its value, just a number, such as cellspacing="5"
* The above applies to cellpadding as well Smile
* Tables need to be built in this order:
and closed in the opposite order, of course
. You forgot the opening


Well that solved it - case sensitive, I guess. Thanks for your help.

Text From 'The Killing of Alydar' by Skip Hollandswoeth, test for HTML of joining post.

upper  image from http:// www .mainlesson.com/display. php?auth...bles &story=lamb

I hope any of this rambling can be of any help to you when you look at your coding! Smile Feel free to post again with questions or PM me if you have any, as I'm more than happy to help Smile

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