Marino bear freak out!


Although Jazper believed that the pups weren't old enough to go out Ghita still stubbornly insisted that they would be fine. Being the man in the relationship he had no other choice but to keep quiet and let her do as he pleased or suffer the consequences. His particular worry was on the eldest and youngest of the three, as Lorenzo seemed to be less curious then Fia and far less bold than Tony. The father worried ,almost to the extent of a crazy person would, that by some off chance Ghita was preoccupied with one of the other pups, Tony or Fia would sneak off adventuring. They were much to like their mother for his taste. When he was little he stuck to his mother's side like glue, the rebellious adventurer obviously was a trait Ghita had donated.

Sulking Jazper had once again been forced into an agreement that the pups needed to learn about the territory and thus followed a short distance behind the rest of his family. He didn't walk with them not because he didn't want to but because he felt the urge to circle the area around their walking route. Sniffing constantly and stalking around in his halfling form often urinating on trees as extra insurance that no harm would come to his family. Although if he had walked beside his mate the difference in size and stature would have been enough to scare off any strange wolf or coyote regardless.

Thinking to himself the Knight was slowly beginning to think that perhaps he should just go back to Ghita and help her keep an eye on the pups when he noticed an increase in his mates footsteps. No longer was she a couple dozen meters away but she was rushing off at an alarming pace for a mother with three pups. Without a second thought he followed suit anxious to find out what was happening, he hadn't smelt any threat. As he approached the boarder Savina's scent along with the bears became more distinct. His mates howl was the last sign he needed, his family was in danger. Charging towards the smells he slid to a stop directly in front of the pups and Ghita only to see Savina attacking the bear. A low and violent growl escaped his muzzle as he flashed his teeth at the beast in warning and began to circle her in an attempt to distract her from Savina if only for a moment.


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