Sing once again with me...
Post Log Notes

Important notes about Posting.

Status: Exam time. o:


After about a month of no reply I generally archive immediately unless we have discussed an absence. Another reason a thread would be archived is if it seems an appropriate place to end, which will be confirmed through a private message before action. If you see that our thread has been archived while you were gone and you wish to continue, please feel free to revive it after notifying me!


If you see that our thread is not on the list or there is an error with the links, something along those lines, please let me know through a private message!

Reply Time:

Completely depends on what is going on in the thread, and in my life. If we have a juicy plot going on, replies can be within the same day as yours or the next. But if it is during the week and I have one of my many plans, the replies will defiantly be slower - within 5 days at most.

Thread Requests:

Picking up some now. :3



Miriette Post Log

001. saw death on a sunny snow

-- Vheissu

Miri is on her way back to Phoenix Valley, and stumbles upon a questing male in the Dampwoods on her way.
002. Fire and Ice

-- AW, ATTN: Jefferson and Vheissu.

Miri has returned from her long absence, and now is out to rejoin Phoenix Valley.
003. -------

-- Open Thread.

Awaiting information. :3
004. -------

-- Open Thread.

Awaiting information. :3

Miriette Point Log

Last Updated: 12.31.10

001. saw death on a sunny snow

-- Vheissu

Total Points: 0; Loner. :3

002. ----------

-- Ever Mayawyn.

Total Points: ----

003. ----------

-- Awaiting Information.

Total Points: ----

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