its ok! Big Grin Sorry I haven't replied in awhile too. Christmas and all that lol

Akita dipped her head lower and changed forms swiftly. It did hurt a little but she ignored it. The girl was 5"7 with long, curly brown hair. Her eyes were the same as her wolf form, a warm golden hue. Her skin was a warm caramel color. Her body was lean and well built with a thin layer of muscles. She held out her own fingers eagerly. Akita gave Nani a smile.

"Thank you for accepting me into your family. I know that I will do my best to help." Akita said. She was happy that she had a new family and couldn't wait to see the territory. The caves sounded interesting and the forest looked fresh. Her old home had just been a small portion of woods with little game. Akita was thankful that she had found the D'Angelos.


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