saw death on a sunny snow

OOC: Lalalala!

His laugh, unexpected and short and hollow, startled the earthy toned damsel, and she found herself staring at the man with a gaze fit to stick that way. What on earth was so funny about that? She frowned at him, eyebrows crawling together in a scowl at the center of her forehead. Joining a pack got luperci through the winter, alliances protected loners from those out to cause harm. Really, being in a pack tended to be more intelligent than slugging yourself along alone... and it allowed for more constant company. Miri really was a social thing, after all... thoughts paused in their track as he spoke, her face growing blank for a moment before another frown plastered itself across her muzzle.

Ma'am. One slender eyebrow rose in distaste. Ma'am. Really? Did she really look that old? Her self-inflicted stab at her youthfulness was lost on the male as he continued his reply. Looking for someone, eh? It was hard to look for someone these days, even if they were right under your nose. She'd lived under her father's nose for months and he hadn't grasped it- but then again, the amnesiac alpha didn't even remember himself, so he couldn't really count. Miriette leaned in close, brashly invading personal space laws without even a second thought. "Looking for someone, hmm...?" She said, hot breath misting over crimson fur, "And who might that be?" Certainly wasn't her... and if the person the wanderer sought was in Phoenix Valley, she could only guess based on what he might say next. Slate orbs roved the length of his fiery face and chest from this new vantage point, even straying to other places on the male's form, obviously appreciating the color and the... assets beneath the shade. "Love the fur." She said matter-of-factly, a slightly hungry grin passing over creamy maw for but a moment. "Is your quarry similarly... colored?"

Oh no, she wasn't subtle. At all. Never really was great at being such. If he didn't like her appreciation of his form, well, he could go fuck himself. Her thoughts then changed from his body to the idea of another similarly shaded man. What an interesting sight that would be, a pair of sunset-matching Southern men side-by-side. Smoking hot and exotic, the pair of hybrids would be, and that there would be a pair was even more awesome-inducing. Miri absently wondered where in the South he was from before returning to her own bubble, giving the self-proclaimed hermit some space. That was enough space invading for her, judging by his thusfar bothersome lack of physical response. Honestly, didn't this guy have expressions other than serious-scowl face? She glanced sideways at him before looking forward again, seemingly content for the moment.

Until he opened his maw to answer her last question. Cheeky bastard. "I'd have thought you scowled in your sleep as well." He certainly seemed the type- grumpy in the morning, noon, and evening, and even in the depths of his sub-conscious mind. Bother, that wouldn't be any fun.

Miriette changed the position of her hands again, once more crossing them behind her head, pert breasts accented by the rising movements of her limbs. Graceful gait offered little reprieve from the overall shape of Miriette's slender form, though her slightly agitated twitching tail likely detracted from the sultry factor. Entirely not purposeful, Miriette seemed to pose herself for the redhead to return her earlier gazes. Perhaps effective, perhaps not, but nonetheless it gave a chance of garnering a better look from the older male- assuming he felt like staring in the darkness surrounding them.

Talk. Think. Walk.

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