high-performance grade.

Asphyxia kept her eyes locked with his until he started talking, she turned and moved a little off the side somewhere, "Asphyxia Holocaust, mother of Faolin Mogosti and mother in-law to Gabriel de le Poer, so you get the picture, yeah?" she looked down at her paws for a moment and realized that they had specks of grey on them, ready to run streaks until it took fully over her paw. Asphyxia didn't realize till a few moments after that the boy may have wreaked of Inferni, she forgot that meant he was a higher rank, reason for him acting all rude towards him. Usually she never apologized so she wasn't going to do it now, but she started to act more... proper around the male. She laid down where she was at and picked at her paw with her teeth until she felt interested enough to look up. "So, do you have a name or not?" not being so rude this time but wondering if the kid even had a name.

Maybe he was a secret member of the pack and did not want anyone to know it. Quickly, she didn't let her imagination run with her and she continued with her paw, glancing up every once in a while. Asphyxia was one to make the biggest mistakes ever, was she one to correct herself aloud and apologize, no. However, she was sure that the male would live and he would not need a sulky sorry from her.

The black and grey coyote breathed in the fresh air, glad there was no more smells of fire. Although, her fur smelt like burning ashes, the faint smell of fire still on her but she was planning to get that off as soon as she could. She also wreaked of booze and you could tell she was a little off, bloodshot eyes, the white parts, although they weren't noticeable with her eyes already red. Was she getting so old that she had to drink away her problems? She was rather going to die of old age, or being drunk out of her mind and doing a stupid act, leading to the death of Asphyxia, she was a strong soldier but was she enough?


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