yay! wc: 407

Skye screeched, trying to remember what Liliana had said about stopping the horse - something about tugging it too hard would make it go faster? But if she let go, she'd fall off, and Jack, the horse, would probably keep running. She wondered for a moment what Liliana would think if Skye lost her horse - one of her favorites, Skye thought she said - within just days of owning him. That couldn't happen; she tried to think of calm thoughts instead. Skye shook her head and stopped screaming; screaming wouldn't help...would it?

Suddenly, however, the predicament was lifted from her shoulders when there came a cry of 'hey, hey, calm down!' Looking past her horse, she saw an orange furred man standing in front of her charging horse with his hands raised in the air; he was the one who had yelled at the horse, telling him to calm down. Skye was frightened for a moment - what if her horse charged right through and pummeled the man to the ground and hurt him?! But Jack didn't; in fact, he stopped just two feet in front of the man suddenly, rearing up on his hind legs and letting out a loud whinny.

Skye fell off Jack as he raised his legs in the air and stayed there. He looked magnificent, the sun streaming down his dappled back, but he quickly fell to all fours again, and Skye picked herself up and dusted herself off.

Jack looked quite distressed, his eyes wide and his tail lashing. He snorted at the orange wolf. Skye rushed to his side, patting his mane and murmuring calming words in his ears until the horse was still and didn't run off. He looked from the orange wolf to Skye and back, but the Appaloosa didn't make a sound or start running off again. Skye patted him on the flank and sighed a sigh of relief.

She turned to the wolf that had helped stop Jack's rampage. "Thanks," she said, her relief evident. "I don't know what I would have done if he'd have kept coming." Skye shook some dirt off herself and looked at the wolf again. "I'm Skye," she continued. "Sorry if I trespassed...?" She glanced around. She wasn't sure if Jack had crossed the line between Dahlia de Mai or not, but she hoped not. She wondered who this male was, anyway.

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