Ring Them Bells

Yay! Big Grin SoSuWriMo 284

He had made his call for them when he was already near the large house and so it did not take long for him and Drogon to reach the steps to the front porch. The Knight still was not entirely sure where they would be, so his jade gaze kept flicking off to the sides to see if either of them would be coming from some other direction. If the weather were warmer, it wouldn't surprise him to find his mother tending the garden or his sister out painting something, but in winter the manor was always the warmest place to be. His guess had been correct as he heard the door open and he quickly slid down off the mustang's back to be captured in Mati's arms. Haven hugged his sister tightly back; the feeling of missing her always more acute whenever he finally saw her again.

"Hi mom, Mati," he said pulling back to look his sibling over and then his mother. God it was so good to see them again, especially when he had such exciting news to share with them. Both of them had asked, on separate occasions, whether or not he would becoming a father anytime soon. Well, today he could answer that question for them with definite certainty. "How are you two? You look great!" They truly did. "I've got some big news to share with you, shall we go inside? I'd love to warm up by the fire after my ride." He hadn't noticed the cold so much on his way here, being so full of energy and anticipation, but now that he was here he could feel the cold bite of the air on his skin.

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