i'm never growing up

SoSuWriMo 292

Saul had come to her and explained that he was putting a game together. Of course the Shimazu would never think of participating in such an event, but she did wish to support Saul in his endeavor and so agreed to come and watch the game. The morning the event was set to happen there was snow on the ground and it was definitely cold out in the open air. Tsukiko found a chair to take outside, refusing to let her kimono get wet and dirty by sitting on the ground, and set it up on the outskirts of the playing field the Stormbringer had set up. After that she went back inside and brewed some tea and found a blanket to take with her to help her keep warm while she watched. Rummaging through the kitchen of her house she had found a large, insulated cup that would be perfect for taking her tea out with her. All her other cups were quite small and she did not want to keep making trips back and forth to replenish her tea. Once the tea was made and poured into the large mug, Tsukiko took it and her blanket out to the chair she had set out.

The Japanese fey sat daintily on her chair, blanket laid out over her lap and legs, mug held carefully between her two hands. The players had assembled and she watched with veiled curiosity as Saul again explained the rules and the two teams divided up to their assigned side of the street. Tsukiko had never witnessed anything quite like this before, would she enjoy it? Only time would answer that question. She took a sip of her hot tea as the teams privately discussed their plans.

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