Tales of old

SoSuWriMo 714

As angry as it made him to hear that she had been treated like that so often, it did explain much about her to him. It also made him that much happier that she had found her way here, to AniWaya. No one of the tribe would ever think less of her just because her blood was not pure wolf. Nayati had never seen that as any sort of flaw, merely a difference between him and her. It did not diminish at all the wonderful person that she was, nor did it mar her beauty in his eyes. If anything it enhanced it, her coloring and fur unique, unlike any he had seen so far in his life. His smile grew, returning more to full strength as she thanked him for listening to her story about her childhood. Even if it had not all been good, it had made Liliana who she was, and he could not help but be thankful for that. He could not, nor did he wish to, imagine her being any different than what she was.

Soon her words morphed into another little story, this time about her first time riding a horse. It was interesting to hear about this incident for now it was hard to imagine her ever being clumsy around the beasts. She had always appeared such a natural to him, but he supposed that was just because she had put so much practice in and gone through embarrassing learning incidents such as these. Nayati certainly had his own fair share of embarrassing hunting stories while he was still young and learning the ropes of his chosen path in life. He really enjoyed hearing more and more about her life before she had come to the tribe, each little thing teaching him more about her. "You had a stubborn, determined heart, just like that horse." He could easily picture a younger Liliana, refusing to let herself be bested by the old creature.

Soon she asked him about his own childhood, and he realized that he really had not shared much information with her about his own past. He really was not certain why that was, perhaps he had never felt the time was right to share. Now seemed the perfect opportunity though, and she had asked it of him. "Growing up in the Great Tribe was a wonderful experience. Everyone kind of helps out with raising the pups, even if it is mostly the duty of the family. I was the only pup that survived of my litter, and my parents' first child. About a moon or so after me, Dawali and his mate had their first child who was also the only surviving pup. Her name was Asha and we became very good friends; that is how I know Dawali so well. I spent almost as much time around him and Mischka as I did my own parents." Thinking back on those times made his smile grow, and it felt good to share these things with her.

"My father, Ohitekah, is of the scouting profession and my mother, Talulah, is a craftswoman. Since I was their only child for some time, I helped them a lot around the hut and did whatever duties they needed me to before I decided to pursue hunting as my own profession. My father would take me out on scouting missions when I was older and I showed skills at tracking and going unnoticed. I could have easily been a scout too, but I wanted to try something different, forge my own way." He had also really wanted to help provide for his family. Being the first and only son had put some pressure upon him and he had felt a need to become successful. "Finally my parents had another litter, and my younger siblings were born. I have a sister, Sunki, and two brothers, Sewati and Cha'tima. They were a little older than a year when I decided to leave the Great Tribe and come here. I wanted to make sure that they would be able to fill my place before I left." Even now he worried though, hoping desperately that his family was doing well. Even though he was happy here, he could not help but miss them terribly.

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