Today a reader, tomorrow a leader

OOC Have to rush out, so no time to edit. Hope it's ok! WC 426

In her frenzy to prepare for Shawchert’s arrival, Orin had overstocked! Her arms were full of books wedged between the crook of her arm and her chin, and she was trying to maintain balance while tiptoed, straining to reach a book up on the top shelf when the knock came. It startled her and she jumped, then swayed off balance. “Oh no!” She cried as she tipped, but it was too late, and she was soon on the floor in a pile of pages. She sat up, dismayed at the mess, but quickly shimmied out from under the pile and ran to the door, swinging it wide.

“Hi!” She cried exuberantly into Shawchert’s face, a little too loud for their close proximity. She was a bit disheveled from the fall, and the purple shawl was in disarray around her shoulders. One dainty had tossed a couple of her pink locks out of her face, and then she did one of her signature Orin moves and surged forward, throwing her arms around Shawchert’s shoulders in a tight greeting. “You don’t have to knock, you know. You’re always welcome.”

With that, she stepped back and made a sweeping motion with her hand. “Come in before the cold does!” Though it seemed like the cold had already made it in. There was no heat source in her bookstore, so a cool winter chill was always present, but Orin barely noticed.

Her eyes flicked to the empty writing desk and she felt a pang of panic as she remembered that she was not ready. “Oh my gosh!” She muttered as she moved away from the threshold, leaving Shawchert to close the door. She hurried across the floor to the stacks and disappeared in the shelves again. “I’m sorry, I’m not totally ready yet. I feel terrible. I was collecting books, and I got carried away, and that’s when you knocked.” She returned carrying a few tomes, a few looking a little more untidy after the fall. She stacked them onto the desk, then returned to retrieve more.

“I have an idea, but I wasn’t completely sure what level you’re at, so I thought I’d just cover all bases so you can show me.” She came back and dropped a Shakespeare compilation on the desk, then looked at Shawchert with a mixture of passion and dread for being unprepared. “Have you eaten? Do you want to first? Sometimes it’s easier to learn with a full stomach. Or harder, because it can make you tired. Depends on you, I guess.” She giggled.

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