Same song, different melody
No sorrow for the slain, no mercy on the battlefield, Toklo thought to himself as he trudged through the cold, biting snow. It was the saying the kept him going. If he was slowing down, or feeling pity, all he had to do was repeat it to himself. That, and remember his parents, siblings and mate. Toklo stopped moving and closed his eyes breifly, letting the pain flow through him, the adrenaline rush through his veins. The snow found it's way into his ears, and his nose, nipping them painfully. Toklo shook his head fervently, and then opened his eyes and leapt to his feet, walking with more vigor than before. Toklo's blue eyes scanned the area around him, looking for any concealed predators that might try to hurt him. Ever since his childhood, his senses have sharpened, and he became more aware of his surroundings. Many a time it had saved him his life. His nares flared as he scented the area as well, double-checking, just to be sure there was truly nobody there. He wanted to be sure. His ears swivelled to both sides, listening for an approach with his keen hearing. He couldn't hear anything but the rustle of leaves, and a small body of water flowing. Yet, he continued to listen. Better be safe than sorry, he always told himself. Some of his kin called him crazy, or better yet...insane. But he called himself smart. He'd watched many wolves die that could've been saved....if they'd only been as cautious as him. If they had the same past as him, they would do the same. Toklo stopped moving again, breathing heavily. He had to slow his breath before moving on, most animals could hear him from a mile away at this rate. He lowered himself to his haunches and then sat down, the dead leaves crunching underpaw.

Toklo's pink tongue flickered out from between his sharp, dangerous white teeth and he licked his nose. The air was dry and was making his nose and eyes lose alot of moisture. It was really quite annoying. Toklo's panting resumed when his tongue replaced itself in his mouth. Toklo hoisted himself to his paws, irritated. He moved on his way in a swift gait. He was almost trotted with impatience as he reached the small brook of water. He dipped his head and drank heavily, annoyed. He was agitated that he had to find a body of water just to slow his breathing. He never took the idea that he was pushing himself too hard into consideration. Toklo lapped at the water viciously, not thinking. He was so focussed on getting a drink and being on his way that he forgot to make sure there were no other wolves or animals liable to attempt to harm him. When he finally lifted his muzzle, he could sense something amiss. He looked around cautiously, quieting down quickly, aware of how abrutly and loudly he had entered the scene. If there was anyone there, it was no secret to them that he was around as well with the approach he made. Toklo lifted his muzzle to the wind and sniffed the air suspiciously. He couldn't detect anything, but he was upwind. There was a possibility of a animal being downwind of him, fixing to attack him right at that moment. Toklo's eyes narrowed and he crouched down to the ground, the fur on his underside touching the ground, wary, but ready to fight back.

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