The Fields Have Turned Brown

Tis fine! wc: 504

Before he could even react, Haven swiftly grasped his arm and in a single maneuver, had the Marino's threatening fist pinned behind his back. The hot-heated Italian was caught off guard by the motions, but it was evident the younger male had already been prepared for his sudden lunge, and clearly much more skilled than he. The low growl continued to rumble in his chest as a sign of his displeasure. He wasn't exactly fond of being man-handled like that, regardless of how deserving he may have been. When the Knight continued on to reach for his scruff and try to push him down, the growl deepened, and he began to struggle against his hold.

He wasn't going to take this shit. It was embarrassing enough to be so easily overwhelmed by the Aatte wolf. He didn't need to sit there with Haven hovering over him, acting like such a high and mighty soul. He tried to wriggle his way out of the other wolf's grasp, but with his arm pinned the way it was, it was an awkward and futile attempt at best. That didn't mean he was going to give in. Anger still burned within him, signaled by his snarling and further fueling his desire to lash out at the other man. If only he would just stop talking. He didn't care if the words were all simply a horrible truth he would have to face at some point, he didn't want to hear it now. Either way, he wasn't going to sit still and submit himself to the other.

But it was perhaps for the best that Haven ignored his snarled order of silence and continued to speak to him. These words seemed to have a damping affect on his rage, smothering it temporarily, leaving it just out of sight. Ehno stilled suddenly, and his growling eventually faded into silence. Haven was right. He screwed up in a way he never imagined he would. He failed to protect his children, from each other, from themselves. Of course he wanted his children to come live with him, and when his daughter came to visit him with news of her mother's sudden disappearance, he even asked her. But the girl seemed adamant about remaining withing Phoenix Valley lands, and claimed her siblings would feel much the same. He shouldn't have given in so easily, shouldn't have given them the option to choose. His job as a father was to protect his children, and by leaving them to their own devices after their mother's abandonment, he utterly failed at that.

Ehno remained silent for a moment, lost within his own torrent of thoughts. The Aatte's hold on his arm was growing more and more uncomfortable as the seconds ticked on, and his desire to be released from his grip grew stronger once again. Yet this time he did not thrash about in an attempt to free himself, but instead continued to remain still. "Let me go," he said, accented words laced with resignation.

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