smile that way

wc: 3+
SoSuWriMo: 411

The creamy girl really did seem to have taken China's advice. Why, she was staring at the crumpled blue flower so intently, perhaps she had indeed taken her sentiments to heart! The thought was delightful. Perhaps this girl was closer to the sweet spiritual bower of the earthmother than she had initially appeared. Eggshell blue eyes shimmered happy at those of a similarly beautiful hue.

Then the girl was apologising, which was strange, but bless! She had a very beautiful name. "Shiloh!" China chirped happily, enjoying the way the exotic name rolled off of her tongue. Shiloh Shiloh Shiloh! What a delightful sound! At the same time that China was marvelling over her company's name, it seemed the ivory beauty was doing likewise, for suddenly her attention was stolen by the excitement in the girl's tone.

There was something about the name Lykoi. Some mystical weight was attached to it, by which the speaking of the word created a ripple. The ripple spread to all those around her, magnified by the stories and interpretations of others. It was a strange thing to acknowledge, that one simple name had so much... Power. If the slender girl were not the peace-loving earthchild she knew herself to be, then perhaps the allure of such power would bring her happiness. As it was, it made her slightly uncomfortable. She had grown up, along with her sisters and brother, apart from this infamous family of hers. Thus, all links to the name were haphazard and fraught with confusion. She knew as much of her heritage as anyone.

"Dreyrugr?" She tasted the name with peculiarly musical voice, pupils narrowing in thought. Although perpetually stoned, China's mind was surprisingly quick. She shook her head, looking morosely to the other girl. "I'm sorry, Shiloh. I don't know anyone by that name." Because she felt bad for not being able to offer what the pretty ivory lady clearly wanted to hear, China held out her hand in a friendly manner, offering it to be taken by the other. "Why don't we look for another flower for you? You can tell me how it is you know of Inferni, and about your father, too." Her sweet voice had a surprisingly firm turn to it. China was used to getting what she wanted, and right now, she wanted this girl's company. She also wanted to know, desperately, if Shiloh knew anything of her own father - but that could be asked later.

Speak think walk


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