[M] this is a gift [p]

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OOC here: Table & Coding © Jenny/Kiri; It is fine hun, I understand just how that is. Okay, glad I could help; 534 words

Insane? Perhaps. Others had said so before because some of his beliefs weren't exactly the norm. But what was normal anyways? Was there really even a normal? Somehow the painted male didn't really think so. There were too many perceptions on just what was normal. There wasn't a single clear consensus. But he was used to hearing that his ideals were abstract. Then again they had lived outside of the cult and simply didn't understand the teachings. They didn't have the lessons to understand the foundation of his beliefs. Just like this male before him didn't hear the stories to know just what he was talking about. He probably had never heard of the canine gods before. How could he have when he hated Luperci so much?

He shook his head with a smirk upon his lips. He chuckled lowly before he chose to respond. "That is where you are wrong. I know just what it is like to be free. I have danced that fine line before. I have succumbed close to death and then overcame the odds. I have brought others to the veil between life and death. Have allowed them to see the light but not enter it. I know exactly what freedom is." Oh yes, he had been near death before. There had been a time when he was younger that it was thought that he would be lost. He knew just what it was to dance on that dangerous edge. He had shown it to his sister just as she had shown it to him. He knew what it was to tease death, to tempt fate, to get close to death but not let him have you. There was no sense of freedom like escaping what should have been certain doom.

That moment of joviality passed as he was once again bitten. Perhaps this was the way that the other chose to tempt fate. If so then he would just have to try and bring him close to that edge, granted it wasn't how he liked to since too many things could go wrong with open wounds. Still it seemed that the other male had chosen this for himself. Ouija gave the other back what was given to him, damage for damage. Claws sought to bite into neck and shoulder, to rip apart the flesh there. Neither was going to walk away without their fair share of injuries. He sought for two different areas, to the left side of the neck as well as the right shoulder. Claws sought out the neck while fangs reached for the shoulder. It seemed the perfect opportunity to taste the other while Ezra's mouth was already busy. If Ezra could consume his blood then why couldn't he have a taste of what flowed through the other male's veins? It only made sense, at least to Ouija it did, that they shared blood. Though this wasn't the sort of union he usually went for he was still making them a part of each other. A sample of Ezra's blood to slow through his veins while Ezra had been consuming his blood to be forever ingrained in his veins through the passing of the virus.


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