Making the rounds

WC: 499

Liking your writing! A lot! Big Grin

He could smell her approaching, but chose not to do anything at all. Focusing merely on his rug, he wasn't trying to ignore her (for her scent gave away her gender with ease). To him, it was more polite to allow her to approach him, than for him to rise and walk towards her in greeting. He wanted to make no movements that consciously or subconsciously could be read as some kind of advance against their pack - at least not in that sense. Of course, his whole reason for being here was to stretch out another hand to Inferni, establish and nurture that little connection they had. Still, it was risky not to do anything, because he could not see her, and she might just as well attack him as anything else. He was not blind; he had seen the skull-fences many times. While he felt they were barbaric and cruel, and it pained him to see remnants of wolves that had once lived lined up on display like that, he could also understand why they had done it. They were a small clan surrounded by stronger wolf packs; you did what you had to do, and a fence like that could easily scare off any boastful youth who decided to have a piece of coyote to play with.

Her voice sounded, and Dawali quickly put the rug down and rose, turning to face her. She was smaller than he had expected, but that was not what he noticed first. He was used to AniWaya being home to the most adorned wolves (and coyotes or hybrids, for that matter - they were all welcome) around, but this one put much work into her appearance. Dyed skins and clothing draped her body, and he studied them for a moment, noticing colors he was unable to make, curious. "Greetings, Saraqael," he said, bending his neck to somewhere between a prolonged nod and a bow, maintaining the position just long enough to make her understand the meaning of the gesture. Smiling politely when he opened his eyes again, he explained himself, hands weaving patterns in the air in front of him in the rhythm of his words. "My name is Dawali Amara, I am the Chief of a tribe called AniWaya, the southernmost in these parts, and far away from here. Previously, I have met with Kaena thrice, but outside of this my tribe has no relation to Inferni. I want to change this, however, and I come seeking a peaceful trade of materials or animals - what you should desire." He smiled. It did not matter much who it was who conducted the trade, as long as it was another face. Another face in the pack that could vouch for him, should he ever have the need to speak with their leader, Gabriel. He had chosen not to demand his attention yet; the coyotes seemed to be a wary lot, and Dawali wanted them to be able to trust him.

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