A horse is a horse, of course, of course
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WC: 401 OOC: I’m just crazy

Liliana giggled under the onslaught of questions when she started working again. Feeling that it was good to be questioned.

There’s a mixture of grasses and oats, though they can find their own grass, but they do enjoy the taste of wheat. Which is what I put in their feed with some oats, and a few dried fruits have been known to be mixed in.

She said, her voice as gentle as can be, she was in no way unhappy for the questions and she was sure to show it, she in fact enjoyed the company of an inquisitive stranger.

We do harvest their food and store it, or it would be rather hard for them to find what they need.

She had to think for a second she didn’t know exactly how many off the top of her head that they had, so it took her a little bit to remember how many they actually did have.

we have about fourteen horses and four cows.

She said after a little while. Her math skills weren’t too great and she had to think about how many they had even though she took care of them every single day. She was finished getting the mare’s water in, and was looking her over as she spoke to the young man, making sure no unknown injuries had come to the horse in the night.

Ah well I do wish you a warm welcome then. I am sorry it took me this long to meet you!

She said, she had to admit though her job didn’t end like some, who’s job was mostly summer and spring tasks, hers was a year around, and she was a very busy wolf. She moved to the next stall doing the same as she had with the first two.

I really hope you like it here, it’s a very friendly place I think.

She said as she poured in the feed to the horse, it was Belle, the Chief’s horse. she knew he could take care of her, and he was particular about her, but she did what he didn’t have time for being chief as well as medicine man, who would have his hands full now that there was a possibility of sickness going around from the cold, she knew that sick wolves elevated in the winter and she wanted to make the Chief’s job as simple as possible.


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