Lecture et L'écriture
OOC- J'adore wants women now! XD

'Aye, he is. Handsome too, a had a coat similar to my mothers, only darker' Nian looked up at J'adore, 'Maybe he mused, 'But for now I'm content here, we send letters, I got one last week. It's a long story, but we're able to get messages across the sea, I'll read it to you' J'adore pulled his nag onto the table and found his letter in oneof the small compartments. He coughed and began

'Dear J'adore, myself and your father are doing well. The pack is still going strong. We've moved back to Santander. Everybody misses you and I have had nurmerous people ask me to say hello in my letter. Ease is doing well, he is tall and strong, but still not as tall as you. He misses you like crazy. I hope you are doing well and...'

J'adore paused with a sigh. 'I won't read the rest, it's just a mothers rambles'. J'adore set the letter down and picked up a sheet of paper. 'Do you know how to write or read any words?' J'adore knew the wolf was ilitterate, but he didn't know if he knew some words.

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