I Am Always the One Who Calls

Something in him felt a flash of memories that shook the earth like an earthquake between them. Nayru was right which was one reason why he couldn’t react in anger to her. His gaze looked across at her as an equal, like she had passed some unwritten test. A smile again escaped his lips as a step toward her and those arms wrapped around her in a hug. Somehow he felt like it was needed, somehow he felt as if he needed to feel her against him in a sign of compassion. The pixie lady had showed extreme courage to challenge a superior such as him.

“You have grown into a women Nayru. You showed your courage and a sense to do the right thing, and no matter if it was over stepping your bounds or not you were going to see it through. I promise I will return” and then his strong arms left her there before him. The warmth of her form gone from his body and the connection gone for the time being but she had proved that she was ready to take care of the pack alongside him, and the others.

“After all, I can’t return without something for Hibernal” he added quietly as if to justify why he needed another day or two. True he’d need to go find something for their leader, not to help soften the blow of him leaving but to reaffirm his commitment to the pack.


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