each trip makes a spot
http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/9928/lunarut5.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Ohello there!
Wc: 571 SoSuWriMo~

Much to the fae's dismay, it wasn't often that Ghita had the time to wander around by herself. Now that the puppies were growing older, most every moment was spent with them, and the spare time she did have was usually spent recharging for the next shift where she had to watch the children. But even though the time was short, there was a noticeable gap in duties that fell cause to Ghita and Jazper; The ebony male used to spend more time patrolling the borders, keeping Crimson Dreams safe from any intruders that could pose a threat to the pack or his children. But now that their puppies were taking most of their time, Jazper couldn't be in more than one place at once, which meant that the border security was beginning to fall. Feeling only slightly guilty for this, seeing as it was her children that had caused the breach in security but her mate's choice, she offered to take some of the border patrols, which extended to today as well.

So it was with a set of heavy paws and heavy eyelids that Ghita took off to wander around the territories, sorely missing the extra hour of rest she would have spent the time completing. But all the same, if she could just patrol the upper half of the territory, and go just beyond Rabbit Lake, and didn't find any recent scents, perhaps she could snatch a few more moments to sleep before Jazper set out on a hunt. She didn't resent him for needing to hunt - after all, eating was somewhat required for their species - but she wished that everyone's naptimes would just collide for once. The fae had made it roughly three-quarters of the way to Rabbit Lake before the scent assaulted her nostrils, and the fae extended her legs into a run. Her Lupus form still held a slight limp from the barn which had collapsed onto it, but for the most part time had healed the injury, and the mother broke into a quick run to track the scent. Something about it hinted at familiarity, but she wouldn't be able to put her paw onto it until the male explained his situation.

Slightly annoyed that she had come across a trespasser onto her territory, and wondering with a distinct lack of conscience if she could quickly dispel of the 'threat' and still make it back home in time for a nap, the fae trotted up to the intruder onto her territory, turquoise optics peering at him quizzically and tail held high, indicating her status among the pack. Even if the male meant no harm to her or Crimson Dreams, the fae still needed to inform him of his trespassing. Her pelt of many grey, brown, and silver hues whipped in the wind that blew snow around them, giving a rippling effect to the situation. Her large, turquoise eyes showed kindness but no hilarity - it was a grave insult to some pack members to trespass. The piercings that decorated her lips and ears clinked lightly in the wind, giving the fae a slightly foreign look that contributed to that which was Ghita. Parting her ebony lips in speech, her tone was inquisitive with only a slight tone of hostility - enough to show that despite her tired state, she was not a pushover. "Are you aware you have trespassed into Crimson Dreams?"


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