dig a tunnel

Oh her brave dumb brute she thought absently mindedly and she shook her head with a smirk. Her snot leaned down to kiss the flesh that had been torn in a simple gesture before the needle was grabbed. And then finally she went to work, both hands working surprisingly fast as if she had done this many times before. Those cute little dainty hands perfectly suited for such work, a revealing look into the talents she cherished alongside the gifts she had been given. Her touch was gentle and even though the pain would come as soon as that needle pierce and when the thread was pulled through her expert attention insured it wouldn’t hurt too badly.

“Almost done” she mentioned to him as she started on the fifteenth stitch. Several more would round out the stitch count to 20 and then she’d bandage him and send him on his way. Finally the last stitch was pulled closed, the thread knotted and cut, as her free hand now held his arm to inspect her work. A soft sigh escaped her lips knowing it would be difficult for him to do much with his arm, the skin had been pulled tight over the wound but her stitches where in well and wouldn’t break unless he really got riled up.

“Be careful Theo, will hurt a lot tomorrow, and the next day” she squeaked out in her perfect little sonnet of a voice. As an hand grabbed some cloth to start wrapping his hand and arm. Soon she was finished and as she was she stood look over the man with a inquiring eye. She’d offer her room for him to catch some sleep in if she could trust him to behave and as of yet she couldn’t trust him to behave around her. The little goddess let a yawn escape her lips as thoughts of her interrupted sleep returned to her brain.

“If you need a place to stay until you get your room all squared away you can stay here? If you can behave” she added with a smirk. Demi wasn’t without kindness and the thoughts of their little trip to Halifax brought blissful thoughts back to her mind but that one day seemed to have been a mistake for both of them.

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