And she runs
[Image: 1-7.jpg]

Esme had managed to get something done over the last few weeks, the start of a nice-looking den standing in front of her. At least, to her eyes it looked nice. In all reality it was just a big pile of rocks with a squeeze-space so she could get in and be covered up so that she wouldn't get rained on. This territory did have a lot of rain, she'd noticed, now that springtime was coming.

The small burns that she had gotten from the fire were now healed, so she was able to run around outside a lot more. She really loved chasing grasshoppers best of all, because of the way they jumped. Sometimes they went way over her head. It was amazing that something so small could jump so high. Higher than she could even jump!

The white pup sat down outside of her proudly-made home, looking out into the trees beyond. She hadn't seen anyone since the pack had formed, and she was getting a little lonely, a little tired of being all by herself. She wanted to be back with her mothers and her sisters Orion and Remedy...heck, she'd even settle for her father, Ravesque. Or maybe a packmate. Just somebody. Anybody.


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