Shadow Girl
OOC-She sooo cute! J'adore is soo desperate, see? XD

Suddenly from out of nowhere a shadow black wolfess appeared. She stuck her head under his arm so that essentially he had his arm around her neck. J'adore was slightly alarmed but due to the fact it had been ages since he had been this close, and in this way, to a female. 'Erm, hi' he said unsteadily. If he was a violent wolf, a killer, the black female had handed him a surefire way of killing her. But he wasn't so he found himself tightening his arm around her, in a friendly, maybe more way. She didn't seem to mind. 'Oh, there my initials' she then asked about the heart, 'My signature, JA in a heart' J'adore didn't explain fully that JA meant J'adore Austral and J'adore meant love in French, which related to the heart. If she didn't ask, he wouldn't explain, but he had a feeling she would. She seemed that way, and J'adore liked it. He found himself wondering if this was what love was like.

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