Nothing like Manual labor

table © Noelle
SoSuWriMo: 305

He had stopped for a while, glaring at the axe as though it were the offending member of this party. He had too much resentment, still festering away inside of him, to think about the task clearly. Perhaps he would give up, and just run off before Saluce noticed. The thought revolted the youth - Of the many things he claimed to be, a quitter was not one of them, and he would rather had hit himself with the flat side of the axe than commit such a cowardly act. Still, the anger burned away in his chest, fueled by the frustrated failure.

Caillen was used to failing, but that didn't mean he enjoyed it. It seemed to be all he was capable of, at the moment. The slate wolfdog would have given anything for just one win at something.

Before he could react, the axe had been snatched up by a firm hand. The older male stared hard at him a moment, and Caillen stewed in his poor mood, feeling all the worse for having made a mess of Saluce's neat work. His head hung slightly in shame, but he did not speak.

He nodded mutely when the older male spoke, gaze lowered respectfully as he took back the tool. Its weight was beginning to become familiar to his calloused palms. Shooting a final uncertain glance at the grey male, his lingering was quickly cut short by the curt command. Swallowing hastily, Caillen re-focused on the task, thinking about the older man's advice as he lined up the swing. Then, crack! A neat, perfect hit. Sky-blue eyes blinked in surprise, as he hefted the axe back out, and attempted another one. Crack, crack, crack! A smile grew over the youth's maw. He was doing it! Blue eyes flitted to the older male, seeking approval.

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