Guardian Angel on my Shoulder

OOC here: Table & Coding © Noelle; I don't try for it. I just type til I run out of something to say. I'll let you decide if you want to post one more time or if you just want to archive it. And can you start the coloring thread since it would make sense for Pixie to come looking for him?; 703 words

Ouija didn't live in Thornbury with everyone else. He had his den hidden in the woods thought he could easily be found at the lodge as he worked. He kept where he resided and slept a secret. He didn't let anyone in and where it was hidden. He simply didn't want it to be messed with. He had things set up a certain way and didn't need them to be disturbed. Because of that he worked to make sure that none could find his hidden cave. And that is also why he had told the other canine to find him at the lodge again since chances were that Ouija would end up being there at some point or another.

He didn't notice her disdain for the smell since he was busy getting the things he was going to use set up. Plus the scent didn't bother him because he was used to working around it so often. He had just gotten so used to it. Though her words quickly had him looking away from what he was doing to stare at the female. He couldn't get any words out before she had shifted. He really had a weakness for that form, a fetish for it. Still he had to remind himself that she was already Luperci and he had a job to do. Even so he couldn't suppress the groan as he watched her. Demi would do this to him as well, tempt him with a vice he almost always ended up giving into.

And then she came over to him in order to lay down, presenting her back to him. So sweet and trusting... Tongue slipped out to lick at his lips as he reached out a hand the run his fingers through the fur on her side. The large male shifted positions in order to kneel down behind the female. It would be so easy... He could make her call out his name... Could share some of himself with her... Make sure that she didn't lost her gift.... Not that such a thing was actually possible.

He shook his head and forced himself to focus. the sooner he got this done then the sooner she could leave and he would no longer be tempted to act. He reached for a knife that he wasn't heating and started to cut away the fur across her shoulders, telling himself that the form he was seeing wasn't really there. It wasn't real, it was Luperci in disguise. The area he was shaving down would prove to be larger than the tattoo but he wanted to make sure he had room to work in as well as leaving room for the burn to expand. "Don't worry, the fur will grow back after awhile." He spoke up as he shaved the area down to get down to flesh alone.

It took awhile of touching hot metal to flesh, having to trade out knives frequently in order to form out the pattern with the flat side of the blade. Though once he was done he got up. "Just wait here a moment." He said as he headed to a separate room to grab a sheet for a make shift bandage. He came back with it, tearing it to make it usable. Getting the size strip he needed he works on tying it around the female's body to cover the branding. "That should take care of the travel." He said as he stepped back to take a look at his work. "I want you to leave on the bandage for at least an hour or however long it will take you to get back home. Then you can take it off and leave it off. But as soon as you take it off I want you to wash the area. So that should be the first thing you do when you get back home." He gave the final bit of instruction as he moved to head to the door and open it up. "Come on, I'll see you out." He made to hold open the door for her so that he could close it behind her and then walk her back to the borders to see her off.

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