
Hope you don't mind if I toss Clover in here. Since she's responsible for many of the plants already in the greenhouse, I figured it would be a good opportunity for her. Big Grin SSWM: 1058

Though they had been collected in the library of the University in Halifax with the intention to be given as gifts, the small stack of books now lay discarded by the bed frame in the small room of the mansion that Clover had claimed as hers shortly after becoming a member of the coyote clan. She had traveled to Dahlia de Mai’s borders shortly after collecting the novels, but to her dismay, the young Dahlian male had not been around for her to give them away. In fact, the one who had come to greet her along the scent marked borders had not seen the male in quite some time. She had wondered if perhaps he even lived there and recognized himself as part of the pack at all. Clover had been unsuccessful at finding him outside of Dahlian’s borders, but she had been far closer to him that she could have ever imagined that night when she had come across the wintery white colored wolf near the Halcyon Mountain; the one with the startlingly icy blue eyes who lived in a pack newly established.

And now, they had become hers – become part of the collection of bobbles Clover has accumulated over time. All of her things had been relocated from the small shack out along the Drifter Bay, and had now found a new home in the mansion’s bedroom. Things here were much different – the atmosphere, in particular – but she had come to grow accustom to it.

Clover had settled herself onto the bed, sprawled on her stomach while her hind feet dangled in the air above her back. Propped up on her elbows, she had one of the gift books cracked open in front of her. It was the old mint colored book; the one with the golden script that had intrigued her so upon its discovery in the library. Despite its plain appearance (for its book jacket has been long lost) she had clung to it because of that pretty font and the name it spelled out: Lolita. That evening she had worked her way through the first couple of chapters listed in Part One of the novel. Many things were difficult for her to understand, as these words held to meaning to her. She did not understand all of the locations or contraptions that were mentioned, but she pushed through the sea of words nonetheless. From context, she was able to solve many of the mysteries and in truth, she was intrigued enough to keep reading. It wasn’t until the light had grown so low that she could no longer read the words, that Clover finally shut the mint dusted cover of the book, dog earring one of the pages so she knew just where she had left off.

Though the girl had a few candles burning, the light was not enough to let her continue reading in comfort. Her eyes had already begun to strain at picking out the black print from the yellowed pages. She let Lolita fall to the floor alongside the other books, before rolling onto her back and staring up at the ceiling of her bedroom. It was late in the night now, but she could not possibly sleep just yet. In truth, she craved the company of another. She thought back once more to the night with Attila, before pushing herself up from the bed into a sitting position. A hand absentmindedly raked through her burnt ochre hair, freeing it of any tangles that may have worked their way in. When she was satisfied with that, her slender fingers worked to adjust her rings just so. Sighing to herself, she pushed herself up from the bed and wandered to her bedroom door. She was sure many of the souls who decided to live in the mansion would be sleeping, so she assured herself she’d tiptoe across the creaky floorboards.

She shut her door gently behind her, before wandering down the corridor. There wasn’t much to see in the dim light, and the mansion was relatively quite aside from the groans it made from age. With no destination mind, really, the girl wandered slowly through the first floor, making her way from the west wing and into the center wing. Casting her pale yellow gaze down the hall to see nothing of interest, the girl made her way into the kitchen where she didn’t often spend much time aside from passing through to get to one of her favorite destinations. With nothing else in mind to do, she decided that was where she would head, and made her way to the rear door that would lead Clover into the cool air of that wintery December night.

The door closed behind her with a dull click, and the young coyote made her way quickly from the mansion and over towards the greenhouse. She quickly let herself inside, as she had done many times before. Here she had many of her plants growing, though some had died on the trek over from Drifter Bay. Though Clover had tried to remain vigilant and keep all of her plants growing strong, some had just not had the strength or will to survive the transplanting. However, the plants that had made the journey seemed to be the ones of most importance anyhow. Though she had started working on growing various herbs and things for Inferni’s medical supplies, her biggest accomplishment was the large supply of cannabis plants that were growing strong. She spent much of her free time tending to them, not wanting anything to go awry and destroy all of her hard work. After all, her grandmother looked to her for her medical marijuana. If not for Clover’s cultivated plants, Kaena would have had more difficulty moving in the morning that she did now. The weed had helped the stiffness and pain her joints seemed to hold in her old age. Clover was merely happy she could help her.

She moved through the rows of plants, before she came along the one spot where she often sat. Drawing up the stool, Clover took a seat and cracked open the pages of her plant guide. With the sky relatively clear of cloud cover that night, the moonlight radiated down through the glass and provided just enough illumination for Clover to read through her notes.

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