A Needed Distraction

I don't mind at all! And no worries! ^^ Oh, and actually Onawa is almost always fully visible, but we can just say that Nayati was kind of blocking Nian's view of her! SoSuWriMo 289

Nayati knew that Onawa was intentionally teasing him for being such a worrywart. It was a problem of his to over-think things and to do so so spectacularly that he got himself all worked up for no good reason whatsoever. Even though the man knew this about himself, and knew that was exactly what was going on right now, it was difficult to escape the cycle once it had been started and he was in the middle of it. That was why, when the world cooperated, he went on a hunt to stop his thinking that way. Hunting was the one thing he never over-thought. It was instinctual. He knew he was good at it and he did not have to worry. When it came to hunting, everything just flowed, easy as a river's course. Now that that option had not proved viable today, he was stuck. Stuck, and admittedly rather miserable and grouchy.

However, when someone approached, the Gadui Kanati did his best to push down his negativity and turned to face the man with a muted but friendly smile. "Good morning to you as well." Nayati had seen the man around the village, but they had not formally met as of yet. "Oh, just talking to my lazy excuse for a Spirit Guide," he said, motioning to the side where Onawa was laying contentedly. She did nothing to acknowledge this small poke at her pride, knowing full well that the Utina did not mean it. Nayati moved to stand, so he did not seem so lazy himself. "I am Nayati Utina, it is good to meet you." Being a Master now, he should probably make more of an effort to meet all the members of the tribe.

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